Casio Privia PX160BK is a full-size 88 key digital piano that provides performance and realistic sound quality with an attractive and stylish look.
The Privia PX160BK is an upgrade on the previous PX-150 model and makes use of Casio’s high end technology with its Tri-Senor keyboard and AiR Sound Source. It is rich in the type of features that are certain to appeal to the skilled pianist while also having a portable digital piano that is easily relocated from home to use on the road.
Features You’ll Value
Great as a digital piano, the Casio Privia PX160BK is a great piece of equipment with a full set of keys that are weighted and feels much like a real piano. Here are several of the most attractive features:
AiR technology
The Privia PX160BK is build with Casio’s latest multi-dimensional sound system which is known as AiR (Acoustic and Intelligent Resonator). The type of technology has the ability to create sound with seamless dynamics at 4 levels that result in remarkable sound.
Standard keyboard
This is a full-size 88 key digital piano that is equipped with Casio’s Tri-Sensor technology to help provide the sound that is incredibly crisp and clear. Each of the ebony and ivory keys include sensors that determine the stroke intensity and delivers a sound that is accurate and dynamic.
Duo function
The PX160 digital piano is designed to let two people duet or practice with its useful duet mode. Plus, this helps to split the keyboard while still having equal ranges and timbre. Also, there is a further mode that makes it possible to divide the keyboard, but creating two different zones that includes a variation in the timbres.
Get connected Casio Privia PX160BK Digital Piano
Similar to other models in the Privia series, the PX160 is built with a USB port to make it easy to connect the piano with a laptop or computer. Plus, the piano has a flash ROM for ease in accepting any songs produced on the computer. We feel the Casio Privia PX160BK Digital Piano is a winner and am sure you’ll think the same.