Yamaha YPG 625 Digital Piano
The Yamaha YPG 625 Digital Piano, this was one of my favorite purchases. So much so I bought one after playing my friends not long after he bought one. I was really impressed by the actual piano but his love of it. He did a review and this was the write up that helped inspire me to buy this model.
This was a friend of mine, who had bought a 625 and jotted down these notes to publish. I had read his review and it inspired me to invest my money in buying a 625 Yamaha keyboard. Sadly these are no longer available, so I’ve also added my own thoughts on the DGX660, which is an even better Yamaha purchase, in my humble opinion.

Yamaha DGX 660 It Looks Stunning
My Overview Of This Purchase.
“The Yamaha YPG 625 remains a firm family favorite as you get so many different features for relatively
small money. It produces a great sound and has a nice keyboard feel. You do not get the impression you
are playing on a plastic toy like you can get with some other digital pianos.
Yamaha has been producing musical instruments of all shapes and sizes for many years and their
customer support is amazing. This musical instrument comes with a USB port allowing you to connect to
Yamaha’s website where you can download music, take lessons and so much more.
The YPG 625 comes with over 300 built in voices although to be fair you will probably only use some of
them. You can record your own songs with the easy to use keyboard split and dual voices features.
There is a large LCD display screen allowing you to see at a glance which features you are using. The
speakers produce adequate volume but you can drive them to external amps if you prefer it very loud.
For the beginner, a useful feature is the fact that the controls on the Yamaha YPG 625 are well laid out
making them easy to use. It would be more helpful if the inbuilt lessons were a little more user friendly
The built in metronome is great especially for beginners as proper timekeeping is an essential skill to
playing the piano correctly never mind the fact it helps the music you play sound much better when you
are in time. Played properly, you could think you were listening to a baby grand piano so long as you
kept your eyes shut!
Regardless of whether you are buying for a beginner or a seasoned piano player, they should still enjoy
this digital piano. Quite a few people who purchased found that their piano playing abilities increased
with use – practice really does make perfect!
Other Options
You can buy many different accessories for this instrument. Some people purchase the Yamaha PKBB1
portable keyboard bench whilst others prefer the PKBX2 double X stand. A good investment is some
stereo headphones so that you can listen to your musical creations whilst sparing any other
If you or the person you are buying the piano for practices regularly, you may want to buy a proper
piano seat to accompany this musical instrument. Also as your skills improve you can upgrade different
features including the pedal. In the meantime, it is a very handy instrument that is light enough to be
moved around the house. You can’t say that about the acoustic varieties.
For most people, the Yamaha YPG 625 is an excellent investment as this musical instrument will last for
years and years. Yamaha has a wide range of electronic keyboards.”
Now Let’s Look At The Yamaha DGX660
Unless you’re looking to buy an old, second hand keyboard, you’ll not be able to pick up a YPG625. So what is a great option instead is the Yamaha DGX660 Bundle with Furniture Stand, Headphones, Microphone, and Sustain Pedal. This is a very popular product and it’s also very affordable.
Another thing we really like is that there are several bundles available for this model. These range from the keyboard and stand, through to bundles including stand, seat, microphone, and pedals. We splashed out and got the Yamaha DGX-660 Premium Digital Piano, Black, with Matching Stand, 3-Pedal Unit, and Bench. It was quickly delivered, straight to the house. Now it’s got pride of place in the living room.
Final Thoughts On Yamaha YPG 625 Digital Piano
All good things come to an end, as the old saying goes, and this also applies to digital instruments. The Yamaha YPG 625 Digital Piano is one that is a pleasure to play, for sure.